Established by present owner in 1995 with 3 1960’s Classic Jaguar cars with a strong desire to succeed by establishing an innovative tourism business based around my passion for Jaguar cars which was essentially my hobby, I am proud of the many Business Excellence awards we have obtained over the years, we have featured in the New York Times, have been involved in several movies and have positioned the business as a main stream tourism operator in our region.
We are now recognised internationally and are a service provider to some of the world’s largest tourism organisations. We exceed most of the recognised standards in our industry for health and safety and customer service and are a leading Qualmark operator.
As our business has evolved we now have a much stronger focus on safety with late model luxury Jaguar cars and Mercedes Benz luxury people movers, we still have a 1965 Jaguar which I have owned since 1993. We are a strong family business with my Daughter now involved and working alongside me on a daily basis along with our experienced staff who are all passionate about our region and enjoy showing visitors around.
Steve McNulty
Managing Director